In A Room Without Window in the Corner

September 12, 2023 Samuel Yudhistira

Shyness drives you away from all the things in life that you'd like to. Fear drives you away from something dangerous. Regrets send you away from any great opportunities. Bukankah sudah beberapa kali kamu mengalami hal-hal serupa? Jangan pernah takut untuk tidak menyerah dan jangan pernah malu untuk mengakui kalau kau lemah. Terkadang lebih baik menjadi bukan siapa-siapa daripada berusaha keras menjadi seseorang yang bukan kita. Bukankah hidup adalah tentang menjadi tenang dan senang? People are busy. They are busy dying. Some people get no choice and they can never find a voice to talk with that they can even find their own. All these people, where will they go? It's hard to imagine a life without this business world. We are at the centre of an epidemic. Yeah, a contagious one called greed. 

No conformity in my inner self. I don't wanna be like you. I am who I am. The captain of my own ship. Master of my destiny. Heart's filled with rage and anger. I know I have broken wings. You may wonder how long shall I fly with my broken wings. I don't care. I might just land on some random places. This city is a lovely place if you happen to a bed-ridden deaf mute. Sadly though most of us will probably end up here. Buried in public cemetery that sometimes will end up to be a shopping mall. Because our ruins don't benefit the earth. A man is nothing in this world. The least you can do is enjoying it with those who care. Find your place in this damn world or maybe you can make the better version of it. It must be a fun thing, innit? The old get old and the young get stronger. It's just life, life only. It's just a matter of time before you find yourself again and back again. Just like the old days when you couldn't wait to get outside and meet your precious folks. This body is rapidly aging. One way ticket to the moon, my friend! Pecker hard, powder dry! Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing. So, no matter how insignificant you think you are in this world there are more than a dozen reasons to stay in this world. Sometimes, we tend to forget and ignore those who care because we want someone else to find us. What do you expect? Isolating yourself? Waiting for something or someone in vain? Don't wait! Call them, text them, and tell them how grateful you are for having them as friends. We never know. Those glorious days will stay with you until the day you close your eyes forever. Hang tough! To be imperfect is a form of perfection. We share the same same skies, don't we? Don't you be no fool! You don't need to travel around the world for happiness. Well, if you have some fortune, then, why not? But some people weren't born with silver spoon. So, in that case you need to utilize your best resource: your surroundings! What else do you need? Or want maybe in this case. You don't have to sleep in a gutter or find the meaning of life in the mist of a human tragedy. Some of us did go through those experience. I have no idea how bad it is inside your mind but whatever them suckers say to you, I'm telling this: Screw 'em! Shove 'em! Now you get on those boots and start running! Go get 'em old boy! You'll be fine.

A battle we never knew was taking place inside your mind. We are all tricked into this great addiction of contents. Stimulating our mind. Why do we need to listen or watch something on our phone? Where are we going with all of this?